Latest News
Launch of the DIH Learning and Exchange programme
The Learning and Exchange Programme for DIHs is launched! Join the movement and bring your DIH's capacity to the next level thanks to the the community knowledge.
The role of rural advisors in interactive innovation
Read about the role of the rural advisors and the change foreseen in their implication for the innovation of agriculture in Europe.
FIE28: driving radical transparency and trust in agri-food supply chains
Read about the two successful pilot project from the FIE28 and discover the how the blockchain can transform the agri-food supply chains!
Register to the CEMA Summit 2021
08 April 2021 - Join the Virtual #CEMASummit 2021 on the 14th of April and find out how advanced farm machines and solutions can support farmers to deal with the challenges EU agriculture faces today to deliver the agriculture of tomorrow.
Automated precision irrigation: achieving predictable yields despite climate changes
07 April 2021 - Smart Farming solutions have a major role to play in sustainable agriculture and in decreasing the impact of climate changes. Read about the role of automated precision irrigation in supporting farmers to achieve a predictable crop yields.
DIH Peer Exchange programme: don't miss your chance!
01 April 2021 - Join the first session of the SmartAgriHubs Peer Exchange Programme! Team-up with you peers and share you experience to bring your DIH capacity to the next level.
Innovation Award for Women Farmers
26 March 2021 - The Innovation Award for Women Farmers aims to highlight the contributions women make towards rural development, forestry, and farming. Last week, the name of the winner unveiled.
Support the FIE20 at the WSIS Prizes 2021
25 March 2021 - Vote for the FIE20 from the Regional Cluster North-East Europe at the World Summit on the Information Society Prizes 2021
Smart Village: boosting rural areas with digital technologies
24 March 2021 - Rural areas represent most of Europe's territory (~91%) and population (~59%), but when measuring against socioeconomic indicators, they tend to lag behind urban areas. However, rural areas are key to solve many of the big societal challenges such as climate change or the sustainable provision of food, biomass, and energy. European rural areas are places of great assets and they can become more attractive if the provision of jobs, as well as a favourable climate for entrepreneurship, are ensured.
Connecting the dots between innovation, technology… and European policies
10 March 2021 - Successful initiatives such as SmartAgriHubs, through Flagship Innovation Experiments conducted with the help of Digital Innovation Hubs and Competence Centers, help us connect the dots between innovation and policies to better put into practice technology solutions