Nordic sharing, awareness and action
The Scandinavian Regional Cluster (RC) is led by a leading agri-food research institute and by a company specialised in agricultural research and innovation. It works to strengthen the Nordic network of agricultural Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) by assisting relevant stakeholders in defining efficient roles in the region, and by developing a tailor-made set of services in order to promote the digitalisation of farms.
Furthermore, it supports regional DIHs in linking up with relevant actors in the Scandinavian ecosystem as well as with other DIHs across regions and sectors. This network of DIHs serves the Competence Centres (CCs) and Flagship Innovation Experiments (FIEs) in the region to effectively address digitalisation challenges of farms.
It also raises common awareness and interest towards the digitalisation of the agri-food sector in general and the services provided through the SmartAgriHubs (SAH) ecosystem. The goal of this RC is to establish and expand the Scandinavian ecosystem, help develop digital solutions and adapt these to the regional environmental circumstances, and ultimately to share this know-how with other regions all over Europe.