SmartAgriHubs Kick-off Event in Prague
The SmartAgriHubs project is delighted to announce that it will host the SmartAgriHubs kick-off Conference 2019 in Prague. The kick-off conference marks the first official meeting of the SmartAgriHubs consortium. The three-day conference will gather representatives from Digital Innovation Hubs, Innovation Experiments and Competences Centres from all over Europe. Over 164 Partners will have the opportunity to network, share their knowledge and common challenges for the first time in an interactive and dynamic event, which will also serve as an introduction to the structure and purpose of SmartAgriHubs.
The SmartAgriHubs kick-off event is organised together with the IoF2020 Partners Event. Also led by Wageningen University & Research, Iof2020 and SmartAgriHubs complement each other, since they both aim to catalyse the digitisation of the European agri-food sector. For this purpose, the programme includes a Synergy day, encompassing workshops hosted by partners from both projects as well as a field-trip to visit a farm nearby Prague where IoT technologies are applied.
We are proud to announce that the kick-off conference will welcome a diverse set of high-level speakers including Tom Tynan from DG AGRI and other EC representatives, our guest from the U.S. and IoT specialist Wilhelmina Jewell Sparks, as well as Vit Simral from the city of Prague’s innovation department.
Alongside the main program, the Regional Clusters and Flagship Innovation Experiments’ Exhibition will provide the unique opportunity to network with like-minded experts from research, business and technology, in an interactive and informal ambience, with the enchanting view of the city of Prague in the background.
The two events, the SmartAgriHubs Kick-off Conference and the IoF2020 Partners event will take place from 4 to 8 March in Prague.
4 - 5 March | SmartAgriHubs Kick-off Conference
6 March | Synergy Day SmartAgriHubs & IoF2020
7 - 8 March | IoF2020 Partners Event
Make sure to follow our social media channels to get the latest updates from what already might very well be the event of the year!
Project coordination
Dr. George Beers
Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen, The Netherlands
+31 70 335 8337
Project communication
M.Sc. Edwin Hecker
Schuttelaar & Partners
Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 502 2008