AB Smart DIH
The potential of young people in the development and implementation of smart agriculture and bioeconomy is widely acknowledged yet is largely untapped in rural digitalisation and technology adoption processes. Young people are the future experts, specialists, end-users, farmers, and decision-makers of rural areas, and therefore a long-term strategy needs to be built for the necessary support services to better integrate young people into these processes.
By integrating education and RDI with the requirements and interests of future knowledge and end-user pools, existing agricultural end-users, and related stakeholders, AB Smart DIH together with JAMK Institute of Bioeconomy build a basis for accelerating and implementing the digitalisation of sustainable agriculture and bioeconomy through win-win synergies.
Next steps
Piloting new and adapted DIH Services by explicitly integrating young talent and key stakeholders to build long-term, cross-generational synergies and to enable a sustained process of digitalisation and technology adaption in agriculture & bioeconomy.