Synergy Days 2024 projects: STELLA

Synergy Days is designed to celebrate and showcase European research projects that are transforming the European agri-food sector. Who are they, and how are they using digital technology to innovate the sector? We spoke to STELLA to learn more about the project, its goals and journey.



STELLA aims to develop a holistic digital system (STELLA PSS) to aid in the early warning and detection of quarantine and regulated plant pathogens and in developing a response strategy that uses modern sensing technology and Artificial Intelligence.

The project aspires to advance pest monitoring and surveillance solutions, pioneer novel methodologies, and validate eicacy in real-world agricultural systems across 6 Use Case Pilots covering arable, orchard and forest areas.

Learn more on their website.


What inspired the creation of your project? 

The STELLA project was inspired by the pressing need to enhance plant health surveillance and safeguard agricultural productivity in the face of increasing threats from emerging plant pests and diseases. As the global population grows and the pressure to ensure food security intensifies, the agricultural sector faces numerous challenges, including climate change, shifting pest dynamics, and the necessity for sustainable farming practices.  It was evident that innovative solutions were required to tackle these complex issues and we envisioned a comprehensive digital system, STELLA PSS, that integrates advanced technologies like remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics to provide early detection and warning of plant health threats. This proactive approach enables timely interventions, reducing crop losses and minimising the environmental impact of pest and disease management.

Collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including researchers, farmers, policymakers, and technology providers, was a key motivator for the project's creation. By bringing together expertise from various fields, STELLA aims to develop robust, scalable, and user-friendly solutions that can be adopted globally, ultimately contributing to sustainable agriculture and food security.

For new projects: what are some of the project goals and first steps towards achieving them?

STELLA has set its sights on revolutionising plant protection. Here's how:


  • • Forecasting, not firefighting: Predict outbreaks with AI, allowing for preventive measures and reduced pesticide use.
  • • Multi-pronged detection: Combine data from satellites, drones, sensors, and citizen science to create a robust pest surveillance system.
  • • Empowering farmers: Equip farmers with real-time data and targeted recommendations, optimising resource use and decision-making.
  • • Stronger biosecurity: Enhance Europe's defences against invasive pests, protecting native ecosystems.
  • • Data-driven future: Establish a valuable knowledge base on pest behaviour for future research and innovation.

First Steps:

  • • Standardising protocols: Ensure data consistency across the project by optimising existing disease observation and diagnosis methods.
  • • Sensor Network Deployment: Set up a network of sensors, remote sensing tech, IoT stations, and potentially robots for 24/7 data collection.
  • • Building AI models: Develop AI models that leverage biological data to predict pest behaviour for a wider range of threats.
  • • Detection System Pilots: Test and refine multi-source data fusion techniques for robust pest detection across diverse field environments.
  • • Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with farmers, researchers, and tech providers to ensure user-friendly solutions that address real-world challenges

What innovative technologies or methods are you most excited about within your project? 

Within STELLA, we're most excited about the convergence of technologies that transform plant protection. Imagine a shift from manual inspections to a network of sensors, drones, and satellites constantly gathering data. AI models analyse this real-time information to predict outbreaks before they happen! But STELLA goes beyond simple prediction. By fusing data from satellites, ground sensors, and even citizen science, we create a robust system to detect a wider range of pests – from insect vectors to diseases. Furthermore, AI analyses images from these sources to identify infections even in their early stages. We're even leveraging space sensors to monitor plant health from orbit, allowing for early detection of stress caused by pests. This combination of technologies has the potential to create a smarter, data-driven approach to safeguard our crops.

What advice would you give to other innovators looking to make an impact in the agricultural / food sector through digital technologies? 

In the dynamic world of agricultural innovation, here's some advice from STELLA:

  • • Focus on real-world needs: Talk to farmers and understand the challenges they face. Don't just build cool tech; build solutions that address their specific pain points.
  • • Embrace collaboration: The ag sector is complex. Partner with researchers, farmers, and technology experts to create well-rounded solutions.
  • • Think beyond the farm: Consider the entire food chain – from production to consumption and beyond.  Digital solutions can improve efficiency and sustainability throughout the process.
  • • Start small, scale smart: Pilot your innovations on a manageable scale first.  Refine based on real-world feedback before large-scale implementation.
  • • Prioritise user adoption: Make your technology user-friendly and accessible for farmers with varying tech skills. Training and support are crucial.

By following these tips and keeping a focus on real-world impact, digital innovators can make significant contributions to a more sustainable and productive agricultural future.

What is the added value of Synergy Days for your project? 

Synergy Days presents a valuable opportunity for STELLA to connect and collaborate within the European agri-food ecosystem. Here's how:

  • • Visibility and Networking: Synergy Days allows us to showcase STELLA's innovative technologies and solutions to a vast audience of stakeholders, including potential partners, investors, and future adopters. This fosters collaboration and opens doors for future partnerships that can accelerate project development and impact.
  • • Knowledge Exchange: The event provides a platform to exchange knowledge and best practices with other EDIHs and innovators in the agricultural sector. We can learn from their experiences, identify potential synergies, and explore opportunities for joint ventures or knowledge sharing initiatives.
  • • Feedback and User Insights: Synergy Days offers a chance to connect directly with farmers and other end-users. Their feedback on STELLA's functionalities and challenges will be invaluable in refining our approach and ensuring the project delivers user-centric solutions that meet their specific needs.

By actively participating in Synergy Days, STELLA can leverage the event's networking power, knowledge exchange opportunities, and user feedback to strengthen its impact and contribute to a more innovative and data-driven European agriculture sector.

Want to meet them and learn more about the project? Join STELLA at Synergy Days 2024! More details and how to register.

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