Synergy Days 2024 projects: FoodDataQuest

Synergy Days is designed to celebrate and showcase European research projects that are transforming the European agri-food sector. Who are they, and how are they using digital technology to innovate the sector? We spoke to FoodDataQuest to learn more about the project, its goals and journey.


About FoodDataQuest

The FoodDataQuest project aims to promote sustainable and healthy diets by combining public and private data, engaging stakeholders across the food chain, and leveraging four usecases. Utilizing various data sources and fostering enhanced data sharing, it will provide insights driving the shift toward healthier diets. Through a multi-actor approach, FoodDataQuest will co-create and test advanced AI and ML-powered solutions. This initiative stands for a fair, healthy, and eco-friendly food system, ensuring data openness while safeguarding stakeholders’ privacy.

Learn more on their website.


What inspired the creation of your project? 

There has been significant advancement in AI technologies and data. Nonetheless, we are still at a point where the potential of merging and combining different sources of data (conventional, unconventional, public, private, etc.), especially in food systems, is not fully realized. Such couplings can greatly inform how the food chain should be organized and optimized, promoting sustainable, healthy diets for consumers and reducing emissions. To achieve this, in addition to IT and infrastructure solutions, we need to focus on governance, business models, ethics, and trust around data-sharing.  

What are some of the project goals and first steps towards achieving them?

The overall objective:  

FoodDataQuest will develop ground-breaking data-driven solutions based on an integrated methodological framework that explores new types of private and public data sources, data from “unconventional players” and noncompetitive data and leverages data sharing mechanisms in order to provide the EU food chain stakeholders with increased insights and enhance the transition towards sustainable healthy diets. 

Five main specific objectives in forms of steps achieving the overall goal: 

• Establish a methodological framework encompassing methods, technologies, and open data standards.  

• Analyse the current data-sharing landscape, focusing on emerging digital technologies.  

• Demonstrate effectiveness through co-creation and validation of four use-cases.  

• Introduce project results to policy-making organizations and standardization initiatives.  

• Ensure widespread communication and scientific dissemination, including international links, raising awareness, and facilitating technology transfer and rapid uptake. 

What innovative technologies or methods are you most excited about within your project? 

We are relying on four different use cases, each of which is innovative in its own setting regarding the types of data and the use of AI and ML. In our cases, AI is planned to be used for food safety, climate scans, reducing waste, and informing consumers and interventions. At the same time, we are developing a reference architecture to demonstrate that conventional and unconventional data can be meaningfully coupled to promote sustainability and environmentally friendly, healthy diets for consumers. There is a lot to be excited about in this project.  

What advice would you give to other innovators looking to make an impact in the agricultural / food sector through digital technologies? 

Given our project's newness, I am hesitant to give definitive advice. Nevertheless, considering current developments, there should be an entrepreneurial approach to using such digital technologies. For some, the innovation outcome can change at every interaction with stakeholders and the market. Therefore, it can be seen as innovation through experimentation. Our project itself is an example of this. We are experimenting and showcasing a possibility. Our use cases started from a certain point, but I can already see they may follow a non-linear evolution in their journey. Of course, they will fulfill what they have promised in the project but they will have much more to explore. As an innovator, you need to be open to this non-linearities.

What is the added value of Synergy Days for your project? 

As a new project, we would first like to show that we are here and hope to meet other projects in the digitalization and data-sharing field. The Synergy Days event is a great opportunity for us. We know that many projects will be there, and we can learn from them not only about what and how they are producing certain outcomes but also about their challenges. We are also (co-)organizing two workshops and will ask the participants, who are experts in their field, for their input and feedback on our work. 

Want to meet them and learn more about the project? Join FoodDataQuest at Synergy Days 2024! More details and how to register.

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