Synergy Days 2024: Bridging communities

Building on the legacy of the SmartAgriHubs project, year after year the Synergy Days are a testament of the continuation and growth of our self-sustaining SAH community. From Lisbon, to Thessaloniki and now Barcelona, the event is an opportunity for the community to meet and exchange on the latest developments in the European agri-food sector.

In October, over 30 EU projects focused on digital innovation in the agri-food sector will participate in the conference. These projects are at the forefront of the digital transformation of the European agri-food sector, presenting a wide range of innovative solutions.

And this year, we will be expanding the Synergy Days network with the crucial addition of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) focused on agri-food. Our Barcelona edition will feature a special side-event showcasing the work of EDIHs. More details will be available in September.

During the conference, you can expect:

  • Plenary sessions covering topics such as food and innovation, smart farming, investment, women empowerment and more
  • 30+ project pitches with short presentations of each project
  • 30+ interactive workshops held in parallel sessions
  • One of the largest exhibitions of EU projects dedicated to smart agriculture and food, providing opportunities to engage directly with stakeholders
  • Networking opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals and experts … and much more!

Are you interested in shaping the future of the European agri-food?

Discover the full agenda here.

Register here.

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