SMEs, participate to this new EU Survey!


The Commission has launched an initiative for a potential reform pertaining to Standard Essential Patents (SEP) licensing. For details see here: Intellectual property – new framework for standard-essential patents (

Standards such as 4G, NFC, LPWAN networks, WiFi, video and audio codecs, JPG, and many others are important in numerous products, in particular in the Internet of Things (“IoT”). 

This survey is directed to all SMEs developing, using or innovating on standards. Due to some technical questions, it would be easiest to reply to a person dealing with technology or patents in your company.

Your input is needed to ensure the reform really helps to make SEP licensing easier for SMEs.

Your replies to this survey will not be published. Only aggregated statistics or anonymized summaries/extracts/quotations may be used by the Commission (or researchers/contractors working with the Commission) in its documents, such as impact assessment accompanying any potential future proposals. This consultation uses the Commission’s survey tool EUSurvey, which processes your personal data according to this Privacy Statement.

This survey will be open until 20.11.2022.

Click here to participate! 

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