Join SmartAgriHubs at the IoT Week 2019 in Aarhus!
IoT week attracts an engaging audience from across the world. It has been organised by the IoT Forum since 2011 and gathers representatives from industry and academia. In the past, editions took place in Barcelona, Venice, Helsinki, London, Lisbon, Belgrade, Geneve, and Bilbao. The previous edition in Bilbao attracted around 1000 visitors and participants specialised or interested in the IoT domain, from a variety of backgrounds: research centers, research projects, large industries, SMEs, developers, standards development organisations and policymakers, including the European Commission.

SmartAgriHubs will be occupying a double booth in the 'gold' area of the exhibition hall, which will allow for face-to-face interaction with IoT stakeholders throughout the week. Several Flagship Innovation Experiments and Regional Cluster representatives will be attending the conference to discuss their activities. Moreover, the team will be organising focus groups to test the SmartAgriHubs innovation Portal at the booth. The innovation Portal is one of the project's deliverables. The purpose of these focus groups is to gather feedback on the Innovation Portal to improve it. Furthermore, on the 19th, IoT Week hosts a 'Smart Farming Day'.
During this day there will be a number of interactive sessions organised by IoF2020 and SmartAgriHubs. From 09:45 to 10:45 there is the 'Project Results and Ecosystem Building' session, where the Regional Cluster Scandinavia lead Nicolai Fog Hansen (SEGES) and the Project Coordinator George Beers will discuss SmartAgriHubs. This session will be followed by sessions on IoT Deployment and Business Challenges for the Agri-Food sector, How IoT helps Farming Activity, and the role of Artificial Intelligence for Food Security.

In addition to the activities surrounding SmartAgriHubs, IoT Week 2019 involves dozens of interesting IoT related workshops, discussion groups, presentations and plenary sessions on the following IoT related themes: Art & Society, Emerging Technologies, the Global IoT Summit 2019, Security & Data Protection, Future Manufacturing & Industry, 5G & IoT Network, International Cooperation & SDGs, and more! The week has plenty to offer, and we hope to see you there.
The event will take place in the Aarhus Exhibition Centre, for more information click here.