Virtual Agro Fair
The virtual agricultural fair is the biggest digital fair in Romania, a 2-day event focusing on knowledge exchange, product demo days and round tables on various agricultural topics.
In the virtual exhibition, farmer visitors can interact directly with companies in agribusiness as well as with universities, research institutes and farms. Several farms are showcasing their best practices in regards to digital agriculture.
Over 400 farmers are expected to join the digital event on 20 – 21 May.
20 of may 10.00 AM - 15.00 PM
This first day is dedicated to agricultural best practice, farmers showcase, product launch, and knowledge sharing from experts in various fields from agribusiness consulting to education.
21 of may 10.00 AM – 12.30 PM
This second day is dedicated to agricultural policies and the future of agriculture in the vision of officials from Copa Cogeca and the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture.
The event will be live-streamed on social media channels in Romania, over 10.000 views are expected.