Welcome to the networking and knowledge-exchange community for '5G for Smart Communities'

EMBRACING THE ADVANTAGES OF 5G - Opportunities in Agrifood

Technological innovations continue to transform the way we connect and communicate in our fast-expanding digital ecosystem. The fifth generation of wireless technology, frequently referred to as 5G, is one notable remarkable invention. 5G is expected to transform sectors and create unprecedented development in the global economy due to its impressive speed, low latency, and incredible potential.

5G provides continuous communication and coordination between devices by linking a large number of devices at the same time, resulting in a smart and interconnected world. This progress gives rise to smart cities, but also to smart communities.
That is notably the case in the healthcare and education sectors. 

  • - 5G-connected hospitals or ambulances in healthcare can assist monitor patients, do early diagnoses, and providing personalized medical advice and treatment.

  • - In education, 5G in underserved regions would enable students to participate in classrooms from remote locations using virtual and augmented reality, increasing interactivity and making teaching more efficient and interesting. The technology could promote online learning, which has grown in popularity throughout the epidemic.


Raising smart communities is an important step taken by DG-CNECT with the initiative called “5G for Smart Communities”. As it sounds, the aim is to connect those smart communities to a platform called the “5GSC Support Platform”. This platform intends to provide complete assistance to parties involved in the "5G for Smart Communities" action. As part of this activity, the platform includes project application information and guidelines, enabling stakeholders to make well-informed choices and efficiently go through the challenging process.


DG-CNECT is interested in extending the offer to the agrifood sector. There are several opportunities for the sector. Many innovations - from SAH and IoF2020 - rely on the technology to achieve their full potential.

Whether it serves real-time monitoring, data collecting, and analysis in agricultural operations, the 5G technology would allow more farmers to exploit smart farming innovation in more remote and isolated regions of Europe. The 5G technology, therefore, offers efficient and fast data transfer due to its low latency and high bandwidth, allowing farmers to remotely monitor soil conditions, crop health, irrigation systems, and animals and make prompt choices.

Moreover, we are delighted to announce that the 5G technology and its potential will be discussed at the Synergy Days Conference in Thessaloniki on 4 and 5 October 2023. DG-CNECT will share more information on a new call for proposals related to the uptake of 5G technology in rural communities.

To start, you can join the 5G Smart Community, on the website. Registration is open until September 30, don't wait too long! The Unit is also available to help in connecting 5G providers that are looking for partners that can bring in use cases. For that and other questions, you can use the email contact: community@5gsc.eu.

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